At NestForms we take the security of our systems seriously and as such, we regularly carry out security audits and penetration testing exercises on our public platforms.
Even though we make every effort to ensure our platforms are operating as robustly as possible we realise that from time to time bugs or other vulnerabilities may become discovered. To this extent we have created a bug bounty programme for any parties interested in ethical hacking who wish to report any bugs or threats to our systems. We appreciate the time and effort you have taken to assist us in our business operation.
Should you have discovered any issues regarding the security or operation of our system we would be glad to hear from you. Based on the critical nature and level of threat we are happy to pay a reward for your endeavours. This is subject to our own investigations into any bugs you have found.
In order for your submission to be investigated and rewarded if appropriate we have provided some information on how present the bug that you have discovered. There is also information on how we will check the veracity of the issue reported.
For more information on how you can assist us in protecting the integrity of our systems you can view our Bug Bounty help page.