A Makeover for our NestForms Offline Surveys Avatar

NestForms has updated the existing avatar

Many moons ago, we adopted an avatar as part of the NestForms mobile form app identity. You may have been familiar with his previous look, adorned with coveralls and looking the part…well…. back then anyway. 

As time has moved on, we decided to give him a little bit of a makeover including some cosmetic facial work, trendy new trainers and an overall windswept devil may care look.

A more smart casual look compared to the old professor.

So, whether you're a Quality Control inspector, Health and Safety Auditor, Construction foreman or street marketeer, we wanted a character that looks less professorial and more like somebody that is relaxed in their work environment.

So keep an eye out for our new avatar and let us know what you think. We welcome any feedback, keep it sensible, keep it clean!