Nice new avatars to help you recognise your co-workers!

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Recently we added new automatically generated avatars for all pictureless profiles. Why did we do that? There are many reasons!

  1. Responses
    You might want to observe from whom the responses are coming to your form. By adding coloured avatars, you’ll be more likely to differentiate one researcher from another just by a simple glimpse.
  2. Colours!
    Lists on Nest Forms as a whole are much more colorful now. so whether you’re browsing users to add, checking responses or sharing forms, we think these colours will brighten your day. 

  3. Automatic Recognition
    When you associate a person with a specific colour & letter combination it’s much easier to find them in  your lists. You will begin to recognise that you’re working with some of the researchers all the time and want to recognise them quickly. This addition will help.




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