Understanding responses in NestForms

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Every day, whether at home or in the workplace we expect to give and receive information in a timely and accurate way. The manner in which this is done can create a good or bad atmosphere between the parties involved. A secretary for example organising a meeting relies on timely responses from attendees to assist in organising the event. If an attendee were not to respond on time this creates extra work and stress for the people involved in setting up the meeting.  We also expect any information to be communicated effectively, on time and structured in a way that is easy to understand. Style and grammar in emails and in any written communication creates impressions with customers or colleagues.


How an immediate response helps your business

With today's communication methods everybody seems to want a response yesterday, immediately or urgently.  I remember in the 1980s when the fax machine first appeared in the corner of the office.  It was something to be embraced, frightened of or perhaps loathed. Some people seeing paper constantly getting chewed up would revert back to postage and the good old franking machine.

Today digital technology has transformed the way in which we work and our ability to receive information immediately and accurately.  An immediate response with any specific details can benefit your business. It has been said that first impressions never have a second chance. Not only first impressions but also customer loyalty is at stake.

Immediate responses assist in decision making, improving and increasing efficiency. Other positive side effects include the reduction of stress on staff or on business systems.  Immediate dissemination of information to customers, colleagues or other parties creates confidence and conveys professionalism. Time is money and immediacy can affect your financial position and possible loss or growth of business.

Where an immediate response cannot be given it is good etiquette to respond accordingly to let them know you're on it!  A good business rule of thumb is to respond to anything within 24 hours. A phone call may be a better way to keep that customer.

Maintaining high standards of communication will benefit your business and put your colleagues or customers at ease and feel valued.


What data can be sent in a response?

Collecting and using data can be challenging but it doesn't have to be!

When you have decided your preferred method of communication you can then detail what information you need to include that is relevant to the subject.  This can be information relating to your organisation including:

  • Dates and time, 
  • GPS Locations can be given along with images and other attachments.
  • Audio files
  • Text questions
  • Single answer questions 
  • Notes and images
  • Signature
  • Barcode and QR code reader

With NestForms, information can be collected quickly and accurately from any location your colleagues are working from. This creates greater efficiency assisting with the planning and decision making process. Information is disseminated and collated in a way that you can streamline for your own business or administrative needs.

To learn more about responses in NestForms you can go to the What is a response help page.

Remember also you can improve your responses by using the Prefilled response name function to assist you when disseminating information to your colleagues on the ground.  This method ensures that repetition or mistakes with response titles will be avoided.  Learn more about prefilled response names.

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