Customising the name of the Clone Section button

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The Feature component is the normal point of exit when you Finish your form, when you wish to Clone a section or give the responder an option to Save their progress within a survey. It is possible to customise the names of these buttons.

This announcement primarily deals with the Clone section tab within the Feature component. You can now change the name of the Clone section button to suit certain work scenarios.

Clone section gives a responder the ability to move around different areas within a building without having to insert repetitive detail. It might be better for the responder to receive an instruction more clearly. In this case you may want to rename the Clone section to something like ‘Next room’ or maybe ‘Next building’ where all the detailed checks remain the same for a responder moving around an area with their smart device.  

It could also be the case where a person working in a warehouse is having to insert product details such as item names, barcodes etc. In this case it would be more logical to change the name to something like ‘Next product’ or 'Next item’ depending on possibly a stock check scenario or inventory.

As an administrator try changing the Clone section name within the Feature component on your form and sharing it with a colleague to see how it appears for them in the app.

You can view more details in the Clone section help page. Just starting out with the NestForms mobile form app! You can try out the platform with our free two week trial. The trial period incorporates all of the features and modules within the Premium plan. 

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