Development summary for 2015

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2015 was a great year for Nest Forms and development has never stopped, just take a look yourself!


12  new versions of the iOS app

24  releases of the Android app

27  new features added

94  bugs reported and fixed

476  minor tweaks solved

100%  increase in cloud capacity

Hundreds  of mails from our clients that we have replied to

Thousands  of new users created profile


I hope you guys like the numbers just as we do! But in case you are wondering what we were actually getting up to, then let us highlight some of the great improvements we have made last year.

  • 2015 was the first year of the Nest Forms interface update!
  • Great improvement to your report filtering!
  • Feature of applying default answers to your questions
  • Brand new redesigned Form Builder!
  • New branding features added to Nest Forms
  • Survey Form Administration is now delegable onto your friends
  • New skip logic feature added
  • Integration with other services like Dropbox, Google etc.
  • Clone sections when answering identical queries in long or complicated forms
  • Adding pictures to your survey forms questions
  • Selecting GPS Locations directly by tapping your mobile device
  • Triggers that automate your exports and more!

Here at Nest Forms, we have been breaking down language barriers in 2015 as well.

Languages added: Hindu, Slovak and Hungarian

Languages expanded:  French and Czech


For our New Year Resolution we are setting ourselves a goal of never stopping to improve our service and making you the client as happy as we can when using Nest Forms.

Thanks to all of you for being with us last year and we hope that you’ll enjoy working with NestForms in 2016!

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