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Using Nest Forms to Create Online Forms for Real Estate and Site Surveys

Using Nest Forms, create instant online forms and online surveys for Estate agent & Site surveyors, to help prepare and collat building surveys in a more efficient and easy to use manner. Both iPhone apps and Android apps mean you can create online forms anywhere.

The Nest Form app is perfect for the real estate industry while performing house surveys. The Estate agent can use the online form to collect house layout details, take pictures and geocode the buildings location. All this is done on their mobile device via the online form they have created in their account.

How Does Nest Forms Work?

All of the form information is synced in real time on the user’s main account, and can be shared with office associates, allowing for a speedier and more efficient process for their organisation as a whole.

As a site surveyor, you can perform more refined building and site survey using the Nest Form online survey creator, enabling you to focus on performing your audit and generate your real time report/s.

Nest Forms can be used in assessment situations like building improvements, renovations, energy efficiency audit,. etc. Nest Forms can be totally customised by you. There’s no need to edit any code, just use the in-built via ‘click and drag’ form builder with in your web browser.

Use the Nest Forms iPhone app/Android app to snap photos on the move.Store them together with your forms as a project. [image of form]

Getting Started with Nest Forms

Create your account, then login to build your main form in any standard web browser, using the easy to use Nest Forms online form creator.

Our easy to use interface features a ‘click and drag’ form builder, so no coding is required. Create your online form/online survey, then store as a template.

Share your online form/online survey with your associates which they can access via the mobile app.

That’s it!

Nest Forms is available as a native iPhone app for iPhones and iPads and also as an
Android app on Android smartphones and tablets. Download the app today and start creating incredible forms.


Custom NestForms Solutions

If you are interested in a customised solution for your NestForms app and would like to discuss these requirements, please contact us.

Alternatively, avail of our  and try it out for yourself.

FREE for
14 days!
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