Offering our services - Ukraine conflict - NestForms

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Like many others, we at NestForms are shocked and deeply saddened by the events arising from the current invasion of Ukraine.

As we have an office in the Czech Republic, the events that are unfolding are all the more resonant for us.

At NestForms we have been having internal discussions about how we can contribute in some way to the humanitarian crisis that we see unfolding in front of us.


Employee commitment

Our own employees have already made both financial and material donations to charity organisations.

NestForms have decided to match any further donations given by our employees in terms of a contribution from their wages and that will be donated to selected organisations dealing with the unfolding crisis.

NestForms public offering

As well as contributions from our colleagues we are now actively offering the NestForms premium account subscription for free to any relief agencies and charities where it might be of use on humanitarian grounds for the duration of the crisis.

If you want to use this public offering, just subscribe for a trial account, contact us and once your status is confirmed, we will enable your free subscription.


Development services

We will also be volunteering development hours should any charitable or humanitarian agencies wish to use the platform. 

If you or someone you know, are affected and feel we can be of assistance, please get in touch and we will do what we can to help. 

FREE for
14 days!
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