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Feature button

Completing your form with the Feature button

On completion of a form, Finish would be the normal point of exit. This is highlighted in blue and so automatically selected. There are two further options, Clone section and Save. When you choose to Clone the section you can repeat a section within the form. By choosing Save you can come back to the form later. 

Underneath the Finish button you will see a checkbox giving you the option to Finish & New. By checking this box you give the responder the chance to close the form and start afresh where a new set of answers can be entered.

Here you can see the options available on the Feature button component.


Finish #

This is how the Feature component will appear in the app.

Click this button to close the form and upload the data to your Web account. If you do not add this button to your form, NestForms will add it automatically for you. 

Finish button

Finish & New - Clicking this button closes the form, replies are automatically saved and the same new blank form is displayed where you can then re-enter a new set of answers.

Finish and New


Clone #

Select this feature if you want alternative answers to the same questions in your form. The selected section will automatically be cloned. (i.e. creating an empty section again).

Learn more about Cloning a section.

Clone Button


Save #

When you add the Save option in the Form builder, it will display the Upload data button within the app. The main difference in using the Upload data option is to allow your responders to part fill the form and come back later if they wish to do so.

In this case, the data is stored on the device and can be viewed in the cloud, but because it is unfinished, the user can still edit the response within the app. It is for viewing only in the master account and cannot be approved by the administrator until the response is Finished.

Upload Data Button